Che ministro intelligente!

Premessa: non sono affatto integralista nei confronti di McDonald, anzi non è certo una delle opzioni peggiori se si hanno pochi euro da spendere e molta fame (almeno se si selezionano alcune pietanze particolarmente semplici, che tra l’altro è difficile trovare nei menù McDonald fuori dall’Italia).

Detto questo… il patrocinio del Minister mi sembra un riconoscimento notevole e francamente inappropriato. Mi sono stupito che nessun giornalista italiano avesse portato il fatto all’attenzione pubblica (quanto sono ingenuo… mi stupisco ancora!). Oggi, finalmente, il Corriere (che a quanto pare non dispone di un giornalista disposto a scrivere un pezzo sulla questione) si limita a segnalare un post di un giornalista gastronomico inglese, forse spinto dal fatto – questo sì notevole! – che il Ministro in persona (Zaia, della Lega) abbia risposto di proprio pugno alle critiche dell’esperto inglese.

Ed ecco la risposta del Ministro:

Dear Editor, I wasn’t at all surprised by the article by Matthew Fort that appeared on the Guardian’s website yesterday. What surprised me was its distasteful tones; however, unfortunately, we are now more than used to the vulgarity of some media and even of a certain kind of politics. The left wing, with its loudspeakers, persist in baying at the Moon, finding themselves further away from the real problems and fenced in their own sterile moral orthodoxy, which impairs any kind of development and hinders a clear vision of reality. With regret, we are forced to deliver bad news to this kind of left: Stalin is dead. And we can safely bet he never set foot in a McDonald’s. On the contrary, this is something that thousands of European youngsters do every day. At the same time, thousands of European farmers are facing the consequences of the worst economic crisis since ’29. McItaly will bring to the Italian farmers three million and 448 thousand Euros of additional income per month. It will also enable McDonald’s clients to eat a healthy burger made with PDO and PGI ‘Made in Italy’ products. We hope this will convince them to forget about junk food and choose a healthier and better quality food. We are sure it will work. Then, we will become modern Jesuits and try to “convert the infidels” of the left, who have never dirtied their hands by working in the fields. They are the same people who, after preaching against those who – like me – work to ensure quality as a right for everybody instead of a luxury for élite consumers, run towards the ‘Organic Food’ aisles of supermarkets with their heavy wallets and light consciences.

Luca Zaia Minister of Agriculture Food and Forestry Policies

Quanto a me, sottoscrivo al 100% l’analisi di questo commentatore:

bergamo bergamo

30 Jan 2010, 3:44PM

the comment by Minister Zaia is a typical example of the pettiness and, frankly, low intellect of Berlusconi’s ministers.

His statement that he is the object of vilification because he is from the right and the Guardian from the left shows his utter inability to respond with arguments to an argument. He can’t. He is not clever enough.

He claims farmers will get more than 3 million ? monthly from McDonald. Big deal. Each farmer will get what? And has he asked himself how much the whole Italian food system will be penalized by anointing McDonald as a true Italian food? I would be surprised if he has. He is not clever enough.

After all, to become one of Berlusconi’s ministers you need either a good tongue — long enough to keep it where it belongs — or a nice ass if you are a woman. Or a good law degree, as most of his lawyers are in Parliament now.

His snide remarks that the left seems unaware of the fact that Stalin is dead is another example of his senseless babble. What does Stalin have to do with McItaly, pray? The left, sir, loves freedom, not the one you claim you defend but undermine any time you can.

ma anche quello che leggo qui, e qui

Una delle cose che mi preme di più sottolineare è che stiamo parlando dello stesso Ministro che porta avanti una crociata contro gli alimenti OGM (vedi qui e qui). Sarei curioso di sapere quali basi scientifiche ci siano per sostenere che un insalata di verdure condita con un po’ di olio, tutto OGM, faccia più male alla salute italiana di un panino McItaly a base di prodotti OGM-free, magari anche biologici, prodotti in Italia.

La sensazione è che il Ministro dell’agricoltura abbia a cuore solamente gli interessi dei piccoli e medi produttori agricoli di cui cerca il voto. Non certo la salute degli Italiani.

Published in: on 4 febbraio 2010 at 6:12 PM  Comments (2)  
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